Precast Concrete Manufacturing Facility
Greenfield, IN
Services Provided
- Develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
- Annual Storm Water Discharge Monitoring and Reporting
- Rule 6 NPDES General Permit Renewal
- Rule 6 Annual Employee Training
- Quarterly Inspections
- Well Water Sampling
- SARA Title III EPCRA Reporting
Metric is providing on-call environmental services for a manufacturer of prefabricated concrete structures. In coordination with the plant manager, Metric developed and drafted an original Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the facility in accordance with IDEM’s Industrial Storm Water Rule 6 NPDES General Permit. Development of the SWPPP involved research of the industrial processes and chemicals utilized/contained within the facility as well as the storm water drainage and discharge systems. Several areas of potential improvement to the storm water discharge quality were identified during the research, which resulted in improved pollution prevention techniques at the facility. In addition to the development of the SWPPP, Metric conducted annual sampling of the storm water discharges from the facility, well water sampling, quarterly inspections of the facility, and annual storm water pollution prevention training for the employees of the facility.