Pennsy Trail Phase 2

Indianapolis, IndianaMetric Environmental prepared the appropriate NEPA documentation, Level 2 Categorical Exclusion, for the proposed construction of Phase 2 of the Pennsy Trail Corridor. The project involved the development of a 2.6 mile walking, biking and rollerblading trail that follows the former Pennsylvania Railroad line.

Metric Environmental researched and wrote the Red Flag Investigation to identify potential environmental issues the project might encounter. Metric Environmental also prepared the early coordination packet for the appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies.

Metric Environmental managed the Section 106 process for the project, including coordination with the Consulting Parties, distribution of historical reports, archaeological reports, and the effects findings, as well as the publication of the notice of effects. The Federal Highway Administration determined there were “No Adverse Effect” by the activities of the project upon the identified historic features and historic districts.

The field investigation was conducted by Metric Environmental staff to determine the location and delineate wetland and waters within the project area. The resulting Waters of the U.S. Determination Form and Ecological Evaluation Form were reviewed and approved by the INDOT Ecology and Waterway Permitting Unit.

Metric Environmental prepared the Categorical Exclusion, Level 2 document for review and approval by the INDOT Greenfield District.

City of Indianapolis, Department of Public Works
Services Provided
Categorical Exclusion (CE), Level 2
Wetlands Determination & Delineation
March 2013
January 2014
Key Personnel
Vince Epps, CHMM, LEED AP
Principal-in- ChargeSusan Ferestad
Project Manager